Tourists ride rented horses and camels at the historical site of the Giza Pyramids, near Cairo, Egypt(CAI). 旅游者们骑著租来的马和骆驼漫步在靠近开罗城的古埃及吉萨大金字塔。
Preliminary laboratory confirmation was provided by a US Naval Medical Research Unit located in Cairo, Egypt(CAI). 美国设在埃及开罗(CAI)的海军医学研究所提供了初步实验室确认。
They are Athens of Greece, Rome of Italy, Cairo of Egypt and the city where we're staying, Xi'an of China. 它们是希腊的雅典,意大利的罗马,埃及的开罗,还有我们现在所在的这个城市,中国西安。
Nile crocodile origami towel in Cairo, Egypt(CAI). 埃及开罗(CAI)的尼罗河鳄鱼折叠毛巾。
Mohamed Abdel-Mottaleb is an assistant professor at Nile University, Cairo, Egypt(CAI), and director of the university's Centre for Nanotechnology. MohamedAbdel-Mottaleb是埃及开罗(CAI)的尼罗河大学的助理教授,也是该大学纳米技术中心主任。