One harsh word would send her into the depths of despair. 一句严厉的话就会使她陷入极度的绝望之中。
Plese input the following word and send your report. 要投诉,请输入下面的英语单词。
Sent shares in the stock market is a very popular word, companies to send contains a lot of meaning, different people to send shares behavior has a different explanation. 送股是股票市场中非常热门的一个词,公司进行送股包含了非常多的含义,不同的人对送股行为有着不同的解释。
And a word of advice-Don't just send a download link. 不要只发送一个下载链接。
The old fool only has to hear the word ` foreign ' to send him up in the air! I 'm not in my dotage yet; I can still drive to Gilly. 老糊涂的听得带一个洋字就好像见了七世冤家!我还没到老糊涂的年纪呢,我可以自己开车到吉利去。