Joint optimal output of members in manufacturing virtual network system 制造虚拟网络成员企业产量联合优化
Virtual network laboratory system is the application of virtual reality technology to simulate the experimental software system. 虚拟网络实验室系统是指应用虚拟技术来仿真实际实验的软件系统。
There are usually lots of heterogeneous storage nodes in the virtual network storage system. 在虚拟网络存储系统中通常包含各种异构的存储设备节点。
This paper introduces a virtual neural network system that uses many parallel CPUs to realize more targets recognition. 设计了一种用多CPU并行结构实现多目标识别的虚拟神经网络系统。
End-to-End virtual private network system solves network security communications among end information users on enterprise network. And IPSec VPN system and workgroup level security policy management system based on users are realized. 端到端虚拟组网系统解决企业内部网内信息终端用户之间的网络安全通信问题,实现了IPSECVPN系统及基于用户的工作组级安全策略管理系统。