The above code is legal from a pure SQL database perspective-even though it makes absolutely no sense for the required delivery date of the new order to be entered as yesterday. 以上代码对于SQL数据库来说是合法的-尽管将递送时间设置为订单时间的昨天是荒谬的。
Where Party A fails to deliver the house to Party B on the delivery date as required in the contract or the delivery date after modification, Party B makes a commitment to agree to give Party A a90-day grace period. 若甲方未能在本合同规定之交付日或变更后的交付日将该房屋交付给乙方,乙方承诺同意给予甲方90天的宽限期。
Organized by the quality control department and according to the risk degree and the retraceable procedure of our products, the department manufacturing nonconforming products should be required and tracked to take responsive measures immediately, avoiding no impact on delivery date. 由质量部组织,根据公司产品的风险程度及可追溯性程序,要求并跟踪不合格产生部门立即采取应对措施,保证不影响交付期限。