Joint Task Force(OS-JTF) on Environment and Economics 环境与经济学联合工作队
Commonwealth Secretariat / World Bank Joint Task Force(OS-JTF) on Small States 英联邦秘书处/世界银行小国问题联合工作队
Joint Task Force(OS-JTF) on Uprooted Populations 被逐离家园者问题联合工作队
Recently the IEEE / CIGRE joint task force gave new definition and classification of power system stability, which are not completely identical with those in security and stabilization guide rule of power system published in China. IEEE/CIGRE联合工作组于近期给出了新的电力系统稳定定义和分类,该定义和分类与我国《电力系统安全稳定导则》中的电力系统稳定定义和分类并不尽相同。
Folsom was appointed by President Wolfowitz to represent the World Bank on the joint IFI Task Force. Folsom女士由沃尔福威茨先生任命为世界银行在国际金融机构联合工作小组的代表。