Local adjustment factors include fine-tuning the operations order of the block on the critical path and cross-breeding the solutions to generate new ones. 局部调整因子包括调整关键路径上的块中操作的顺序和对每次迭代的解交叉繁殖产生新的解。
DSM encourages each employee to question and give input to company operations in order to continuously improve the company. 帝斯曼着力培养员工的质问力,鼓励员工对公司的运营发表意见,参与公司各方面的改进。
Some subsidized patients have been sent abroad for operations in order to alleviate this problem. 一些获得津贴的病人被送到海外动手术,以减轻医院的负担。
China and Japan have already negotiated a bilateral swap agreement and could augment it by implementing their currency cross-holdings via market operations in order to achieve the desired impact on both exchange rates. 中国和日本已经议订了一项双边掉期协议,它们可以在此基础上再迈进一步,通过市场操作实施它们的货币交叉持有计划,以实现对两国汇率令人满意的影响。
To further minimize logging, we recommend that your applications COMMIT transactions between rollout and rollin operations in order to make the best use of space and minimize logging. 为了进一步减少日志记录,我们建议应用程序在rollout和rollin操作时间提交(COMMIT)事务,以便充分利用空间并减少日志记录。