Click here to view all pending operator requests 要查看所有未决的操作员请求(OPERREQ),请单击这儿
Use status area icon for pending operator requests 用状态区域图标显示待定的操作员请求(OPERREQ)
Because the operator returns its left-hand operand, we can combine a sequence of input requests into a single statement. 由于输入操作符返回其左操作数,我们可以将输入请求序列合并成单个语句。
The Operator needs to be able to monitor the physical route and associated behavior of service requests to manage and meet expected service levels. 操作员需要能够监视要管理的服务请求的物理路由和相关行为并满足期望的服务级别。
Italy's biggest phone operator, Telecom Italia, on Thursday presented its new call-center in Rome's largest prison, where 24 inmates ( 2 ) are glued to a computer screen to answer thousands of requests for phone numbers and addresses every day. 意大利最大的电话公司,意大利电信,周三起用了设在罗马第一大监狱里的新电话中心。在那里24名犯人每天守在电脑屏幕前回答上千个有关电话号码和地址的问讯。