But Mark Cojuangco, former lawmaker, authored a bill in2008 seeking to start commercial nuclear operations at the Bataan reactor. 但是曾经担任立法者的MarkCojuangco在2008年提出了一个法案,寻求启动Bataan反应堆的商业核运行。
In the current facial recognition, incremental learning is based on the sample vectors of the operations, which would lead to a loss of recognition efficiency and real-time, especially during the process of nuclear operations. 在目前的人脸识别中,进行增量学习的时候都是基于样本向量进行的运算,这会导致系统识别效率的降低,特别是有核运算的时候,系统的实时性更差。
At that time, Hitachi announced a deal to merge its thermal power plant business with that of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and said it would be open to doing the same for its nuclear power operations. 当时,日立宣布了一项交易,将旗下的火电厂业务与三菱重工(mitsubishiheavyindustries)的对应部门合并。
Research of Human Errors in Nuclear Reactor Operations 反应堆运行中人因失误的研究
As operating experience increase in nuclear power of the world, manufacturing and IT technology development, equipment reliability and systems to enhance the degree of automation, resulting in the level of nuclear security and stability operations has greatly improved. 随着世界核电运行经验的增加,制造业和IT技术的发展,设备可靠性和系统自动化程度的提升,导致核电站的安全稳定运营水平有了大幅度的提升。