The main products are nickel-metal hydride and nickel cadmium column full line of rechargeable batteries. 主要产品有镍氢、镍镉柱式全系列充电电池。
Hydrogen storage alloys are mainly used in Nickel-Metal Hydride(NiMH) Batteries and the production scale of the products is600 tons per year. 储氢合金粉主要用于镍氢电池,我公司该产品的年生产能力为600吨。
Hybrids such as the Toyota Prius and Ford Escape use nickel-metal hydride batteries that are larger than lithium ion systems, the latter of which can pack more electric power into a smaller space. 象丰田普锐斯和福特翼虎这样的混合动力车使用的镍金属氢化物电池比锂离子电池系统要大,后者能把更多的电能封存在一个更小的空间内。
The car can go up to47 miles per hour on its nickel-metal hydride battery pack. 赛车可以达到每小时47英里的镍金属氢化物电池组。
From Ni-MH rechargeable battery start the professional R & D, product has Coverage from AAAA to F-type nickel-metal hydride all categories of products. 公司从镍氢可充电电池的专业研发起步,产品已覆盖从AAAA到F型的所有镍氢类别产品。