If I like a soldier, he can get to be a non-commissioned officer quick. 如果我喜欢一个士兵,他就可以很快成为没有委任状的军官。
The non-commissioned officer ( these are fewer in number ) more rarely performs the immediate act than the soldier; 那些军士们(为数较少)行动比士兵为少;
He was an old non-commissioned officer of the old guard. 他原是旧羽林军里的一名下级军官。
To accelerate the construction of the talented non-commissioned officers, the important position and the function of the Non-Commissioned Officer(NCO) Education ( NCOE ) must be fully recognized first. 加速推进军队士官人才队伍建设,首先必须充分认识士官教育的重要地位和作用。
However, with the development of new military change trend and military modernization, the original officer performance evaluation system more and more discomfort should non-commissioned officer management needs, and there have been many related problems. 但是,随着新军事变革的发展趋势和军队现代化建设的加快,原有的士官绩效评估制度越来越不适应当下士官管理的需要,并出现了许多相关的问题。