He still not acknowledged my letter of the24th. 他仍未确认(NAK)收到我24日的信件。
The schema update request was not acknowledged by the directory service. 目录服务没有接受架构更新要求。
But what traders in the markets are worrying about now is that there are others that have big problems they have not acknowledged yet, partly because they cannot even measure the damage. 但市场交易员目前担忧的是,还存在其它有着重大问题的机构他们尚未认识到,一定程度上是因为他们甚至无法估量这种损失。
Kenya's neighbor, Uganda, on the other hand has still not acknowledged the rebels'authority. 肯尼亚的邻国乌干达至今还没有承认利比亚反叛力量。
A particular message will be available for sending as long as it is not acknowledged or its inactivity time out, as per the RM Policy Assertions, has not been reached. 只要消息没有得到确认,或者,根据RM策略断言,没有达到其不活动超时时间,特定的消息都可以用于发送。