The pre-process logic includes the message security, followed by formatting the input based on protocol and performing the task. 预处理逻辑包括消息安全性,以及基于协议对输入进行格式化和执行任务。
Malformed SIP message attack, which aims to exploit the security flaws in the protocol implementation, is a kind of greatly harmful IMS attack that is very easy to launch. 针对协议实现漏洞的畸形SIP消息攻击是一类易于发起并且危害极大的IMS攻击方式。
Aimed at the increasingly severe security of web service, the security requirements of the message transport were analyzed. Several pieces of security guarantee were discussed base on secure protocol SSL or not. 针对Web服务领域日益严重的安全问题,分析了消息传输安全性的需求,分别讨论了几种常见的构架在SSL安全协议之上,或工作在非SSL环境下的安全保障措施。