Alternatively you can use a more complex delimiting technique which is to use a message parser to determine the end of a record from an input file. 另外,您还可以利用更复杂的分隔技术,使用消息解析器(MP)确定输入文件的记录的结束。
The design includes modules such as message designer, message parser, message router and message sender etc. In the final, there introduce some other design and implement of agent layer modules. 设计主要包括消息体的规范设计、消息解析、消息路由、消息发送接收等核心模块,最后介绍了一些代理层模块的设计及实现。
The lexer actually does some of the work of figuring out where in a message it is, but the parser still ties everything together. lexer实际上完成了指出它位于消息中的哪个地方的一些任务,但是解析器仍将所有内容放在一起。
However if the message body is owned by the MRM parser, then we wouldn't expect to find this field under this outer tag, as this parser removes outer tags. 但是,如果消息正文归MRM分析器所有,那么我们无法在该外部标记下找到该字段,因为该分析器移除了外部标记。
The drawback to this solution is that, since the raw data is within the SOAP message, it must be scanned by any XML parser, even if it is never used ( for example, in an intermediary, like a router ). 使用这种方法的缺点就是,因为原始数据放在了SOAP消息中,为此XML解析器必须扫描这些数据,即使它从来不会被使用到(例如,在一个SOAP处理中间体,类似于一个路由器)。