Since entering China, Linde has developed a comprehensive network of sales and after-sales service providing advanced materials handling equipment and professional after-sales service. 九年来,林德在中国建立了稠密的销售和服务网络,为用户提供先进的物料搬运设备(MHE)和专业的售后服务。
Ship, receive, store, and move materials, tooling and equipment using motorized and manual materials handling equipment, hand tools, and other equipment. 使用相应的物料搬运设备(MHE)收、发、存储航材、工具和设备。
Considering the specific characteristics of materials handling equipment, principle and methods to implement CIMS in materials handling equipment manufacturers ( MHEMs ) are proposed. 根据起重运输机械制造的特点,提出了起重运输机械制造企业实施CIMS技术的方法及CIMS应用工程的方针。
A Study on Intelligent Balance Model for Forward Materials Handling in Equipment Manufactories 装备制造企业前向物流智能平衡模式研究
The practice indicates that it is possible and reliable to reform the existing raw materials handling system located in the narrow part of the traffic by adopting advanced and reasonable designs and equipment. 实践表明:在狭窄的地段内采用先进、合理的工艺设计和设备,改造旧有的运输系统是行之有效的。