The Method of Mission Planning of the Ground Station of Satellite Based on Dynamic Programming 卫星地面站系统任务调度的动态规划方法
At the physical level, the mission system is composed of two parts of airborne mission system and the ground control station. 在物理层上,任务系统由机载任务系统、地面控制站两大部分组成。
Mission Planning Method of the Satellite Ground Station Based on the Greedy Algorithm 基于贪婪算法的卫星地面站任务规划方法
Predator pilot ( above ) guides his aircraft on a mission over Afghanistan, from a ground control station at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. 一名“捕食者”飞行员(上面照片)正在内华达州内利斯基地的地面控制站中操纵他的无人飞机,在阿富汗上空执行任务。
They go through a restricted area, wear brown flight suits, receive a mission brief and are put into a " warrior ethos " before ever stepping into a ground control station. 他们飞过禁飞区,穿鼐褐色的作战服,接收任务指令,在返回地面控制台前完全投入战斗。