Especially, in the course of present military information construction, workflow management system is applied to the army office businesses. 在当前军队信息化建设过程中,工作流管理系统被应用于军队办公。
Future warfare is modernized war led by informationization. Military communication is the indispensable foundation and support of information construction of our army. 未来战争是以信息化为牵引的现代战争,军事通信是军队信息化建设的重要基础和支撑。
Comrade Nie Rong-zheng followed modern military development law and focused on the role of science and technology in military development and consummated thoughts of consolidation of army and guided modernization construction of Chinese army. 聂荣臻同志遵循现代军事发展的规律,高度重视科学技术对军事斗争和发展的作用,在实践中形成和完善了丰富的科技强军思想,指导了我国军队的现代化建设。
The military is an important national comprehensive national strength and the construction of talent in the army is very significant, because national competition is talent competition in fact. 国家的竞争说到底是人才的竞争,军事作为国家综合国力的重要组成部分,人才建设非常重要。
In response to the military commissions " building a strong military through science and technology " strategy, it needs to accelerate the information construction of our army. 为了响应军委科技强军的战略号召,需要加快我军信息化建设。