Does the ship's deadweight scale show in long ton? 船舶载重标尺是用英吨表明的吗?
Engine room long ton Traditional method for overhaul of the top of miter gate is through manual operation by hydraulic hoisting jack, which has the shortcomings of low efficiency and great risk. 船闸人字门顶门检修的传统方法是采用液压千斤顶手动作业,工作效率低,时间长,技术风险大。
For example, you wouldn't just change from JDBC to EJB without some long meetings, a ton of planning, and an enormous amount of forethought. 比如,没有经过漫长的讨论会、数以吨计的计划和大量的深思熟虑,您不会轻易地从JDBC转移到EJB。
The result will be several pages long and it will contain a ton of information. 结果可能有几页纸那么长,包括许多信息。