Potential savings : $ 140.If you find that your land line is gathering dust, lose it. 潜在的节省:$140。如果你发现你的电话收集尘土,丢弃它。
And even if you want to keep your land line, if you have a broadband internet connection, get your phone service through it rather the phone company. 同时,即使你想要保持你的电话线,但如果你有一种宽带因特网连接,通过它得到你的服务远比你通过电话公司要好的多。
Use a land line, and disable call waiting. 使用固定电话,禁用呼叫等待。
If you require a full size scanned copy, please send us ane-mail with your name, address and land line phone number. 如果你需要一个体积扫描复制全部,请寄给我们电子邮件与你的名字,地址及电话线的土地。