This may be an internal protocol that implements specific features or a traditional back end to the physical disks. 这可能是一个实现特定功能的内部协议(IP)或物理磁盘的一个传统后端。
Set the internal protocol to HTTP. 将内部协议(IP)设置为HTTP。
The certain topology which interconnected by switching modules, input and output modules, and internal protocol constitutes the internal switching network in a router. 多个交换单元以及输入输出端口模块以一定的拓扑结构和内部协议(IP)连接就构成了路由器内部的交换网。
The latest Distributed Gateway ( DG ) architecture based on VoIP and its internal Protocol & Media Gateway Control Protocol ( MGCP ) are presented. 在IP承载语音(VoIP)和媒体网关控制协议(MGCP)的基础上,提出了分布式网关(DG)体系结构,给出与H。
To adapt vary application, access port implement transfer between client network protocol and Memory Box internal interconnect protocol. 为了适应不同的应用模式,访问接口单元通过协议转换桥实现客户端网络协议和MBox内部互连协议间的转换,兼容不同类型的客户端协议。