Typically managers will need to guide this process, in coordination with HR. 通常经理在这一流程上会需要HR协助和指导。
Study on the Regional Logistics Capability and Its Development in Coordination with Regional Economy 区域物流能力与区域经济协同发展研究
Water Law assigns that the State shall implement river basin management system in coordination with administrative region management. 水法规定:国家对水资源实行流域管理与行政区域管理相结合的管理体制。
We can begin preparations with the Core Group in the coming weeks in coordination with the other international organizations and regional partners. 我们可以在今后几周开始与核心小组一起开始准备工作,并与其他国际组织和地区合作伙伴协调。
Concept of mobile phone combine advanced technology and complicated function, this require designer and engineer in coordination with inter-dynamic all the time. 该手机的概念整合了先进的技术和复杂的功能,这要求设计师和工程师始终协同互动。