Chapter four goes on with the service unit manager in detail and chapter five presents the testing methods and the results. 第五章介绍服务元管理器及该系统模型的测试方法及测试结果。
Now the regional HR director, Ted, and the business unit general manager, George, are meeting to discuss the short-listed, or final, candidates. 现在区域经理泰德和业务单位的总经理乔治正在讨论这几个通过了初审的终极候选人。
One of the jobs on that sheet was to become Google's first Business Unit general manager, which sounds good now, but at the time no one thought consumer internet companies could ever make money. 表格中有一个工作是去做Google的第一个业务部总经理。这现在听起来很不错,但是当时没人相信直接面对消费者的互联网公司可以赚钱。
Makes an appraisal of safety training requirements including any specialist training needs, eg. for driving Fork Lift Trucks, and makes subsequent recommendations on that basis to the Business Unit Training Manager. 进行相庆的安全培训评估,包括专业培训需求如叉车的使用,并向培训经理提出推荐。
Regular relational indexes on the unitID columns of both tables as well as on the manager column in the unit table can help speed up the embedded SQL query. 两个表的unitID列上的常规关系索引以及unit表的manager列上的常规关系索引有助于提高嵌入式SQL查询的速度。