This section describes the newly added data bindings and the new HTTP transport protocol binding. 此部分将描述新添加的数据绑定和新HTTP传输协议(TP)绑定。
This paper analyzes a key transport protocol based on prepositioned secret sharing. 分析了一种基于前置秘密共享的密钥传输方案。
You can configure custom and predefined data bindings for some of the messaging import and export transport protocol bindings. 对于某些消息传递导入和导出传输协议(TP)绑定,您可以为其配置自定义数据绑定和预定义数据绑定。
Axis supports HTTP as transport protocol by default but an extension for JMS can also be built with it. Axis缺省情况下支持HTTP作为传输协议(TP),但也内置了一个JMS扩展。
Each service uses a Web service binding with SOAP / HTTP as the transport protocol. 每个服务都使用与SOAP/HTTP绑定的Web服务作为传输协议(TP)。