Backup Solution Based on Atomic Transaction Group(TG) 基于原子事务组的备份方案的研究与设计
If you're interested in debugging the internal transactions between components, click the tag of the transaction group that you're interested in. 如果您想调试组件之间的内部事务,可以单击感兴趣的事务组的标记。
Atomic Transaction Group(TG) is brought forward and implemented on the basis of operations by conventional backup. 在传统备份操作的基础上,提出并实现了原子事务组的概念。
BBB score of hind limb function in neural stem cells transplantation rats is better than merely spinal cord transaction group. NSC移植后大鼠的后肢功能BBB评分优于单纯脊髓全横断组。
When you send messages inside a transaction, you group a set of related messages. 当您在事务中发送消息时,可以将相关的消息归入一组。