By means of parsing workflow participant expression roles, the system extends the ability of task authorization and allocation, and solves many problems about task allocation in traditional workflow management systems. 本系统引入了工作流参与者表达式语法规则,引擎通过解析该规则语法扩展了任务动态授权与指派能力,解决了传统的工作流管理系统任务动态分派中的诸多问题。
Critical transaction set and task authorization indicator are introduced to allow for finer granular permission control, thus some problems of complex constrains such as history-based separation of duty can be solved effectively, and this provide a good base for active access control. 通过引入临界事务集合和任务授权(TA)指示符,实现了细粒度的权限控制,能够较好地解决基于历史的职责分离之类的复杂约束问题,并为主动访问控制奠定了基础。
Among these modules, Task scheduling, uncertainty handling & QoS ( Quality of Service ) steering, Task authorization are main topics of our research. 本研究主要是从任务调度、网格不确定性处理及QoS操纵、任务授权(TA)三方面展开的。
It introduces task and authorization strategy to realize synchronization between authorization flow and workflow. 引入任务和授权策略的概念,以实现授权流与工作流的同步;
For completing the task of authorization needs to expand the number of security manager. This will increase the complexity of the authorized management and the unreliability of system. 当系统的用户数量不断增加时,用户-角色分配和维护的工作量也将随之增加,需要扩大安全管理员的队伍才能完成授权管理工作,这将增加授权管理的复杂性和系统的不安全性。