At this time, a computer programmer in the company developed a new software operating system. 在这个时候,公司的一名电脑程序员开发了一款新的软件操作系统。
· in other apple rumors, the Cupertino-based company could release the next major upgrade to its desktop and software operating system, OS X lion, via the app store with no physical media necessary. ·另一则关于苹果的小道消息是,该公司将发布其桌面和软件操作系统的最新重大升级版&OSXLion,此次发布将通过应用程序商店(AppStore)进行,而无需任何实体介质。
Furthermore, this software operating system has good expansibility and widespread applicability, network and vision function can be added with the same idea. 所开发的软件操作系统具有良好的可扩展性和通用性,利用同样的思想,还可以进一步为控制系统添加网络和视觉功能。
Command-line control over the entire system : hardware, software, operating system, driver, firmware, and other components. 整个系统的命令行控制权:硬件、软件、操作系统、驱动程序、固件和其他组件。
This required administration of the monitoring infrastructure at the software and operating system layer typically includes the hardware and infrastructure, as well. 这需要在软件和操作系统级别进行监视管理,一般还包含硬件和基础架构。