In hardware systems, the design uses hardware system architecture of embedded core system board, functional processor board and system peripherals interface board. 硬件系统方面,采用了嵌入式核心系统板+功能处理器与系统外设接口板的硬件系统架构。
The paper studies deeply into the design of systems based on PCI bus and DSP, including the design of interfacing circuit board and the device driver, and works out the circuit board. 本文对基于PCI总线和DSP的数据采集与处理系统的设计方法,从总体上进行了深入的探索:包括接口电路板设计与实现,设备驱动程序的编写方法等。
Because the core board is an independent modular design, for functional requirements for different systems, just the peripheral board is need to design without the need to re-design of core board. 由于核心板是独立模块化设计,针对不同功能要求的系统,只需设计不同的外设板无需重新设计核心板。