This includes a requirement that requests for interviews or access to people or facilities be cleared through the secretary's Public Affairs Office(PAO). 一项要求是媒体的采访要求访问国防部人员和设施都经国防部长公共事务办公室(PAO)报批。
QuickStats is prepared by the Communications and Public Affairs Office(PAO) and the figures are supplied by the Management Information Unit. 《数据一览》由传讯及公共事务处制作,所有数字由管理资讯组提供。
This system has user login, public affairs management, personal office management, document management, human resources management, information exchange and my desk and other functions. 本系统实现了用户登陆,公共事务管理,个人办公管理,公文管理,人力资源管理,信息交流及我的办公桌等功能。
In April 2009, " The Defective Product Recall Management Ordinance " ( draft ) was sent to the public for amendments by the State Council Legislative Affairs Office, it will be the first recall of the defective product administrative regulations in China if the Ordinance passed. 2009年4月,国务院法制办就《缺陷产品召回管理条例》(送审稿)向社会公开征集修改意见,如果该条例获得通过,这将是我国第一部关于缺陷产品召回方面的行政法规。
Meanwhile, E-government has also become one of the most important ways of people participating politics, public affairs and polls, which improves the efficiency of government office greatly. 与此同时,电子政务也已经成为民众参政议政,政务公开,民意调查的主要方式,极大的提高了政府办公效率。