Monitor hazardous cargo in transit. 监控危险货物(HAZ)运输。
Do your factory premises have been segregated domestic, international, high value and hazardous cargo? 工厂是否有为国内、国际、高价值及危险货物(HAZ)做区隔?
The ship may carry contraband, explosives, munitions, warlike stores, hazardous cargo, and may sail armed or unarmed and with or without convoy. 船舶可运载违禁品、爆炸物品、军火、军用物资、危险品,且可武装或非武装航行,使用或不使用护航。
The working meeting and a symposium of the Committee of the Transportation of Hazardous Cargo(HAZ) held in Lianyungang 危险货物(HAZ)运输专业委员会工作会议及学术研讨会在连云港召开