The first stop on his goodbye tour was to visit troops at Forward Operating Base(FOB) Walton in Kandahar Province. 他的道别之旅第一站是访问位于坎大哈省的“前进行动基地沃尔顿”部队。
Army officials say Chinese laborers built all the facilities on Forward Operating Base(FOB) Loyalty, Iraq, including the notorious former detention center used by the old regime. 美军官员说,中国劳工建造了伊拉克的“前进运动皇宫本部”的所有设施,包括声名狼藉的旧政权使用的刑拘中心。
The bombing took place inside Forward Operating Base(FOB) Chapman, a well-fortified compound in Khost province near the southeastern border with Pakistan. 爆炸发生在阿富汗与巴基斯坦接壤的东南边境Khost省一个防御牢固的名叫查普曼前线工作基地(ForwardOperatingBaseChapman)。