Aware of the missile's development, the Pentagon has already started considering ways to counter the new threat, including a new concept for more closely integrated navy and air force operations. 在已经意识到导弹的发展后,五角大楼已经开始考虑面对新威胁的解决办法,包括一种新的,更为综合的海军、空军组合操作的概念。
That the current national force operations in the Gulf of Aden to combat piracy are collective actions with the authorization of the UN Security Council, which are justifiability. Logically, in the event of armed conflict, it should be involving the application of international humanitarian law. 当前各国在亚丁湾的武力打击海盗行动是经过安理会授权的集体行动,是合法有据的。从逻辑上讲,一旦发生武装冲突,就涉及到国际人道法的适用。
There are lots of limitations which are hard to overcome in the technical, legal and political aspects of force operations, and they will restrict our further actions. 现今的武力打击行动在技术、法律以及政治层面都存在着难以克服的局限性,这些都制约着武力打击行动的进一步开展。
Installation from which a military force initiates operations. 军事力量开始起作用的场所。