This is a very secure and reliable protocol that provides end-to-end security sessions between two parties. 这是一个非常安全和可靠的协议,它提供了通信双方之间的端到端(ETE)安全性会话。
Although this provides relevant security through the end-to-end communication link, the books-seller's security policy is violated. 虽然这种方法在端对端通信链路中提供了适当的安全性,但违反了图书销售商的安全性策略。
One significant disadvantage when implementing and using NAT is the loss of end-to-end IP traceability. 一个明显的缺点是在实现和使用NAT时,将会丧失端点对端点的IP追踪能力。
This method is based on end-to-end technology which has better flexibility and controllability. 这种基于端到端(ETE)的检测方法,具有良好的灵活性和可控制性等优点。
A class of end-to-end rate-based TCP-Like congestion control algorithms with communication delays is studied. 研究了一类具有通信时延的基于速率的点对点TCP-Like拥塞控制算法。