The general landed on the scout for his not carefully observing the enemy situation. 将军责骂那个侦察兵没有仔细观察敌情(ENSIT)。
The method is to familiarize ourselves with all aspects of the enemy situation and our own, to discover the laws governing the actions of both sides and to make use of these laws our own operations. 那就是熟识敌我双方各方面的情况,找出其行动的规律,并且应用这些规律于自己的行动。
Determine the size of your troops according to the terrain, and deploy your formation according to the enemy's situation. 衡量我军兵力,适应地形条件和敌人情况而确定我军阵形;
In order to know the enemy's situation, we should collect information on his political, military and financial position and the state of public opinion in his territory. 为着了解敌人的情况,须从敌人方面的政治、军事、财政和社会舆论等方面搜集材料。
The right moment should be determined with due regard both to the enemy's situation and our own and to the relation between the two. 断定这种时机,要从敌我双方情况和二者间的关系着眼。