This method can improve dynamic obstacle avoidance and the safety of real-time planning. 这种算法能够提高动态避障(DOA)的安全性和规划的实时性。
In order to improve the capability of dynamic obstacle avoidance for autonomous mobile robots, a method of dynamic obstacle avoidance that simulates humans behavior is presented. 为了提高自主移动机器人的动态避障(DOA)能力,提出了一种基于视觉信息的拟人动态避障(DOA)方法。
Dynamic obstacle avoidance for mobile robot based on vision information 基于视觉信息的移动机器人动态避障(DOA)方法
A new hybrid dynamic obstacle avoidance algorithm under the unknown environment is introduced. It is a combination of the rolling plan, dynamic forecast and the reactive behavior for the static local optimum path planning. 将滚动规划、动态预测、静态局部最优的反应式规划等概念与方法集成,提出了一种动态未知环境下新的混合式动态避障(DOA)算法。
In order to improve the capability of dynamic obstacle avoidance for autonomous mobile robot, a method of dynamic obstacle avoidance based on delay-time compensation was presented. This method makes decisions according to the vision information acquired and improves on the effect of obstacles ' localization. 为提高自主移动机器人的动态避障(DOA)能力,提出以视觉信息为决策依据,通过时延补偿提高机器人对障碍物定位精度局部动态避障(DOA)方法。