The principle proponent of the Deep Operations(DO) theory, Marshal of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Tukhachevsky. 大纵深战略理论的倡导者,苏联元帅,图哈切夫斯基。
With deep operations, broadband value-added services are more and more personalized, so the authentication system is more and more important. 随着运营的深入,宽带增值服务越来越趋于个性化,对认证系统重要性的理解会越来越深。
The well control is one of the core technologies during the deep drilling operations and multiphase flowing in annuals is an important part of well control theory. 在深水水平井钻井过程中井控技术是深水油气开发的核心技术之一,环空多相流流动规律研究则是井控理论的重要组成部分。
The motion performances of traditional mobile platforms can not meet the requirements of deep sea operations. Besides that, fixed and dead load platforms will increase their weight and the project cost significantly with the increasing operating water depth. 传统移动式平台的运动性能已经难以满足深水作业的要求,固定式及自重式平台的自重和工程造价又随着水深的增加而显著增大。
In deep water drilling, Deep water operations usually meet bad environment and complex conditions, one of which is natural gas hydrate formed in the mud ( mainly in WBM ). 海洋深水钻井作业环境恶劣,操作条件复杂,其中之一便是钻井液(主要是水基钻井液)中容易形成天然气水合物。