Research and Design of DRM Scheme for IPTV Direct Broadcast System(DBS) IPTV直播系统中DRM解决方案的研究与设计
Design and implementation of network multicast in streaming media direct broadcast system 网络层组播在大规模流媒体直播系统中的研究与实现
Simple and Direct Practical Broadcast Television Storage Management System 简捷实用的广播电视仓库管理系统
A scheme for Internet access via DVB based direct broadcast satellite is proposed, and the system architecture, session establishment, protocol stack and IP packet encapsulation and delivering are illustrated. 提出了一种经由基于DVB的直播电视卫星实现因特网接入的方案,并对系统结构、会话建立、协议栈、IP分组的封装和传送作了详细的描述。
This article is about designing and developing a direct seeding server software in audio and video broadcast distance learning system, which enables it to be possible that students can be taught by teacher instantaneously and interacting with teacher in the long-distance teaching process. 本论文就是研究设计开发一个音像广播远程教育系统中的直播服务器软件,使其可以真正实现远程教学过程中实时由老师讲课,实时播放给学生,实现学生互动。