She managed to break the code. cryptanalysis : The analysis and deciphering of cryptographic writings or systems. 她成功地破译了密码。密码分析:对密码书写或密码系统的分析和译解。
If you want to encrypt user data, you can use Cryptographic(CRYPTO) File System ( CFS ) in OpenBSD. 如果希望对用户数据进行加密,那么您可以使用OpenBSD中的加密文件系统(CFS)。
Although cryptographic encryption and signature management are certainly possible using writeObject and readObject, there's a better way. 当然,通过使用writeObject和readObject可以实现密码加密和签名管理,但其实还有更好的方式。
We have briefly discussed our encryption strategy in the last section ( Java Cryptographic(CRYPTO) Architecture ). 在上一节(Java密码体系结构)中,我们已经简要地讨论了我们的加密策略。
Ciphers are cryptographic algorithms that can reversibly transform data using a key. 加密是使用密钥对数据进行可逆转换的加密算法。