Career management is newer research and practice field in our country's enterprise's human resources management, very big exploration research space exists. 职业生涯管理在我国企业人力资源管理中是较新的研究和实践领域,存在着很大的探索研究空间。
Occupation Career Management ( OCM ) has become an important content and new development direction in HR management field, but it is seldom involved in the practice application research in China. 职业生涯管理不仅是当前人力资源管理领域中一种新的发展趋势,而且逐渐成为人力资源管理的一项极其重要的内容,但是目前国内对该领域的应用研究并不多见。
As a new content of human resource management, career management embodies a brand-new idea and model of human resource management and it symbols a new developing direction in the field of human resource management. 职业生涯管理作为人力资源管理领域的一项新内容,体现了一种全新的人力资源管理理念和模式,代表着人力资源管理领域一个崭新的发展方向。
Career planning of employee, a major content in human resource development and management, is not only the new trend of today's personnel management, but also the new research field of human resource development in our country. 雇员的职业生涯规划,作为人力资源开发与管理的重要内容之一,可以说是当今人事管理的一个新走势,也是我国人力资源开发的一个新领域。