Counter drug efforts, meanwhile, only push poppy production from one region to another. 与此同时,禁毒努力只会将罂粟种植从一个地区赶到另一个地区。
Not all counter drug policies are futile or perverse in their outcomes. 并非所有的禁毒政策都没有效果或有违初衷。
" He said that this over the counter drug, along with " diet and exercise, may aid overweight adults who seek to lose excess weight to improve their health. 他说这种非处方药,配合合理饮食和适当锻炼可以帮助超重成年人减轻额外体重,有利于身体健康。
This is a case where less really is more : since the natural tendency of counter drug efforts is to help our enemies, we should pursue those efforts as little as possible. 在这个问题上,其实越简单越有效:既然禁毒行动必然有利于我们的敌人,我们应尽可能少地采取这些措施。
But for now the researchers warn against taking tryptophan supplements to counter the drug's side-effects. 但是目前科学家对服用色氨酸补充剂防止奎宁副作用提出了警告。