This is particularly useful for using session beans in conjunction with web clients, because EJB3.1 also adds the capability to package EJBs in WAR files. 这对于联合使用会话bean和Web客户端特别有用,因为EJB3.1还新增了将EJB打包成WAR文件的功能。
In support of this new editing capability, this package offers the set of Eclipse plug-ins necessary to extend your existing development environment. 为了支持这种新的编辑功能,这个包提供一组必要的Eclipse插件,用于扩展您的现有开发环境。
Logistics capability of distribution centers refers to its capability in terms of storage, transportation, package and carrying. Prime factors influencing logistics capability include location and surrounding environments, functional districts layout, equipments configuration, information handling competence and organization management design. 配送中心的物流能力指配送中心的仓储能力、运输能力、包装能力和搬运能力,影响配送中心物流能力的主要因素包括选址与周边环境、区位布置、设施设备配置、信息处理能力和组织管理设计。
The next part sets Tianjin as the target employing statistics and modeling. The main issues involved include empirical analysis on the determinants of regional services innovation, assessment on innovation capability of services, technology foresight in services and policy package for services innovation. 第二部分以天津为主要对象,实证研究了影响区域服务业创新的主要因素、服务业创新能力评价、服务业技术预见、服务业创新政策体系等问题。
With OPM EE4.1, you can use the Extended Insight capability to get detailed information about applications using static SQL, including package, section, and collection information. 可以使用OPMEE4.1中的ExtendedInsight功能获取使用静态SQL的应用程序的详细信息,包括包、节和集合信息。