Usage analysis will not run; cannot process server logs stored in a database. 使用率分析将不运行;无法处理(CANTPR)数据库中存储的服务器日志。
Thus your service use cases should address error conditions and bad input that the service cannot process successfully. 因此,您的服务用例应该对错误情况和服务无法成功处理的错误输入加以处理。
My secretary is able to process that command, my computer cannot process that command. 我的秘书都能做到,我的电脑却不能处理这项指令。
We cannot process the domain account change for the private domains you selected. 我们无法处理(CANTPR)您为选定的私营域的域帐户更改。
Concurrent processing capacity : Some target integration endpoint systems cannot process large concurrent volumes. 并发处理能力:某些目标集成端点系统无法处理(CANTPR)大容量的并发请求。