Regional experts who work to combat arms trafficking recently met in Gabon to discuss the increasing threat posed by the proliferation of small arms and light weapons in Central Africa. 打击轻武器国际行动网络区域消息称,中非部分地区小武器和轻武器的走私呈上升趋势。该组织成员表示,武器扩散使得该地区面临的稳定性威胁不断增加。
You seem like a combat arms kind of guy to me. 你看上去像那种适合战争的人。
Shoulder to play combat arms depends largely on the shooter, this research and development of shoulder weapons training simulation system has become an urgent problem in military training. 肩扛武器战斗力的发挥很大程度上取决于射手,为此研制开发肩扛武器的训练模拟系统已成为部队训练急需解决的问题。
The white light sight and LLL sight play very important roles in the weapon targeting of combat arms, but they also have their own flaws. 白光瞄具和微光瞄具在武器实战的使用中都起到提升命中概率的作用,但它们也有自己的缺陷。
China supports international efforts in taking proper measures to regulate relevant arms trade, particularly to combat illicit arms trafficking. 中方赞成国际社会采取适当措施,规范有关武器贸易,特别是打击非法武器贩运。