Jubula provides built-in test actions that are application and toolkit independent. Jubula提供了内建的独立于应用与工具集的测试动作。
The built-in test support in the Rails framework makes testing easy! Rails框架内置的测试支持让测试工作变得轻松多了!
Tests are created via drag and drop of built-in test libraries, instead of application recording or test programming. 你可以通过拖拽内建的测试库来创建测试而无需应用记录或是测试编程。
The system uses periodical built-in test to maintain full readiness. 系统使用定期内建测试(BIT)维持完全准备就绪。
A model for built-in test ( BIT ) integrated expression is presented based on the composition analysis of its main design elements. 在分析机内测试(BIT)主要设计要素组成的基础上,提出了BIT综合表示模型。