The first thing to do is to move our HQ to a decent place where we can live in reasonable comfort and where the army staff can all be together and side by side with the HQ of the desert air force. 第一件要做的事是把咱们的总部搬到一个像样的地方,使咱们的生活可以过得相当舒适,使集团军的参谋人员能够聚在一起,并且同沙漠空军的总部毗邻。
The United States has been pressing China to give a firm date for the planned visit of China's chief of the Army general staff to Washington. 美国已经给中方压力,要求给出一个中方军事首领访问华盛顿的具体日期。
Army Senior Specialist Staff Officers technical scientific term 陆军高级专科参谋官专门科学术语专门科学术语
The report's main authors, Frederick Kagan, an academic, and Jack Keane, a former acting army chief of staff, favour a " sustained surge of US forces to secure and protect critical areas of Baghdad ". 该报告的主要作者、学者弗雷德里克·卡根和陆军前代理参谋长杰克·基恩赞同“稳步扩大美军规模以捍卫和保护巴格达的关键区域”。
The guard of honor is marching past, marking the end of a formal ceremony that has given Pakistan a new army chief of staff. 仪仗队行进而过,标志着这场庆祝活动的结束,巴基斯坦现在有了新的军队领导人。