At a minimum, companies should set up an automated response system. (至少,公司会设立自动回复系统)。
A Study and Design of Automated Intrusion Response System Based on Risk 基于风险的自动入侵响应系统研究与设计
Research on Automated Intrusion Response System 自动入侵响应系统的研究
Based on the summary of related studies, this thesis presents a common framework for the cooperative automated intrusion response system. The system is mainly built with three functional blocks : the intrusion detection component, the response decision component and the control center component. 然后在对相关研究领域己有工作进行总结的基础上,提出了一种合作式入侵响应系统的通用框架,整个系统主要由入侵检测模块、入侵响应模块和控制中心管理模块三部分组成。
Automated Response Using System - Call Delay 利用系统调用的延滞对入侵进行自反应