As we know, the Panzer Army Group(AG) is one of the most significant divisions in the Blitzkrieg. 大家知道,装甲集团军是闪电战战术中最为重要的部分。
More and more network author army group begin to share reportorial sports, politics, commerce, name support of the people is other the domain that can think of. 越来越多的网络作者军团开始参与报道体育、政治、商业、名人和其他可想到的领域。
The remnants of Army Group(AG) Center held the remaining German-controlled areas in the east. 德军中央集团军群的残余部队龟缩在东线的几个德军控制区内。
Army Group(AG) North was driving up along the Baltic toward Leningrad. 北方军团,沿着波罗的海向列宁格勒挺进。
The army group shipped out for the Far East today. 这支部队今天乘船赴远东。