Mandarin Early Verb Acquisition : Category, Argument Structure, and Syntactic Cues 普通话儿童早期动词习得:范畴、论元结构与句法线索
On Acquisition of Category 有关范畴习得问题的认识
Aspect acquisition of children develops from category of cognition, then to category of semantics, and eventually to category of function. 儿童时体习得经历了一个从认知范畴向语义范畴,再向功能范畴扩展的过程。
The Semantic Collocation and Acquisition of Adverbial Adjectives / Verbs in the Same Semantic Category 同语义类状位形容词和动词的语义搭配及习得考察
In the background of connectionism, driven by the needs of teaching Chinese as a second language, we study the vocabulary acquisition from the angle of words in the same semantic category. 本文在联结主义理论的背景下,结合汉语作为第二语言的需求,以同语义类词为出发点,对词汇的习得进行了初步的探讨。