Big stock exchanges in the United States are linked in what is known as the national market system plan. 在美国大证券交易所挂在所谓的全国市场系统的计划而闻名。
But there are other ways of investing that operate outside the national market system. 但也有一些投资方式在全美市场系统之外运作。
Further efforts should be made to open up market prices, set up and improve a unified and orderly national market system for fair competition. 进一步开放市场,建立和完善全国统一、公平竞争、规范有序的市场体系。
In the US, a new system of rules known as Regulation National Market System(NMS), to be phased in next year, requires brokers to show they have shopped across exchanges and found the best price. 在美国,明年将逐步采用一套名为监管全国市场体系(RegulationNationalMarketSystem)的新规则体系,要求经纪商表明:自己已走访过多家交易所、找到了最佳价格。
The importance of certification has been a general recognition, and the development level of the certification industry has been an important symbol measure of a national market system. 认证的重要性已经得到了普遍的认可,认证行业的发展水平也成为衡量一个国家市场体系(NMS)健全程度的重要标志。