Security market segmentation is very important in financial studies. With traditional financial market microstructure theory, market segmentation focuses on a test for market segmentation, price behavior for one security in different markets and the extent to international equity market integration. 证券市场分割是金融领域研究的核心内容之一,其结合了传统的金融市场微观结构理论,研究了证券市场的一体化与分割检验、不同市场单一证券的价格行为机制以及国际证券市场的分割程度。
At the same time, international investors have pulled back from the Japanese equity market. 与此同时,国际投资者已从日本股市撤出。
As a result, many institutional investors across the region that had previously committed to international markets have since delayed funding and now await signs of economic and equity market recovery. 其结果是,亚洲地区许多先前投身于国际市场的机构投资者,此后开始推迟投资,目前正等待经济复苏和股市反弹的迹象。
International equity issues plummeted to near zero in August and September, and stock market prices fell in all major emerging markets. 1998年8、9月间国际股票发行额跌到近乎于零,所有主要新兴市场的股市价格统统下跌。
Domestic and international corporate finance issues of biological resources, including : government funds, equity market financing, debt financing, loans to financial institutions, private financing, etc.. 国内外研究生物资源企业融资问题,主要包括:政府专项基金、股权上市融资、债务融资、向金融机构贷款、民间融资等方式。