Because of ample liquidity in the interbank market, banks had cut their best lending rates and savings deposit rates despite a stable policy interest rate in the us. 尽管美国的政策利率保持稳定,但由于银行同业市场流动资金充裕,银行调低最优惠贷款利率及储蓄存款利率。
In order to control the risk, the relevant regulatory departments should take measures such as identify systemically important and vulnerable banks, control the interbank market scale, supervise the capital flow and uses, and speed up the Implementation of Deposit Insurance System. 相关监管部门应警惕传染风险,从识别系统重要性银行、控制市场规模、规范同业资金用途、加快实施存款保险制度等方面进行风险防范和控制。