The apple appeared sound on the outside, but it was rotten inside. 这个苹果外表看起来很好,但里边已烂了。
In the following four centuries, bel canto has made great achievements and gets widely accepted by the world. It has turned into a vital section of world culture; meanwhile, it also becomes the apple of sound music. 历经四个世纪的追求与发展,美声唱法得到了全世界的广泛认可,成为人类文化的宝贵财富,声乐艺术中的璀璨瑰宝。
One corrupt apple corrupts many sound ones. 一个烂苹果可使许多好苹果变坏。
Do you think Sony has what it takes to dethrone Apple? Is it too late? Sound off in the comments! 你认为索尼能采取什么措施打败苹果呢?这会不会太晚?赶快发表你的评论吧!
Apple added a button to its Safari web browser that mutes sound that unexpectedly starts playing from a webpage. 苹果在Safari网络浏览器上增设了一个按钮,可以降低网页上突然开始播放的声音。